Weekend Links / by Kate Brightbill

​People make and write such pretty things. The links I'm loving from this week:

1. ​Tangerine Teakwood Illume Candle... aka the candle with the perfect design. 

2. Bowling in the house is kind of an important part of childhood. Brian had the girls bowling with books the other night, which works fine-ish, but if you want to get fancy, this little bowling set for kids can be personalized and looks totally legit.

3. To be perfectly honest, Oh Happy Day out-did even themselves this week. I want to use every single post they created the past five days, including this rainbow streamer party.​

​4. How beautiful is this cumin-roasted carrot and avocado salad? It almost looks too good to eat, but then again, the avocados are beckoning. I love salads best when the good stuff outweighs the lettuce content, unless we're talking caesar salads. Either way, this one looks basically perfect.

​5. This Heart of Mine blog created marble gorgeousness that I plan to try (with Scotch Natural polish to keep out the toxins). The possibilities are endless, really though. Where do people come up with these amazing ideas?? 

6. I love having tea... okay, okay, I'll confess- coffee- with Sophie, and these vintage green melamine cups & saucers would be great because if they drop, they won't break!  

7. I have to include this read by Girl's Gone Child. There's no real visual, but it was such a well-written piece about having help in your home... it really was an eye-opener to see that these bloggers and creators online aren't actually all super-humans who do everything themselves! 

​8. Lastly, don't forget to look at the Honest blog for a little collection of books for kids that inspire healthy habits! I may or may not have written the post... ;)

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