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Maybe you heard- we went to Maui last month! We came home tan and refreshed and willing and ready to tell everyone that Maui may just be our favorite place in the whole world. I said it the last time I was there when I was 17, and I'm still saying it after this trip.
Maui is not too busy, not too quiet. It's juuuust right.
Have a few pictures, eh?
Time is one of- if not my MAIN love language. I need quality time with those I love or I go nuts. This was a beautiful way to spend quality time all together. Our kids are at a really ideal age for travel... both can communicate and articulate what they need {in contrast to some past flights during which tears were flowing, both for them & me! HA}. Both have had swim lessons for most of this year, so Sophie can swim sans floaties under our watchful eyes, and Maggie wore the safety floaty belt and could enjoy blowing bubbles in the water happily.... last year she wouldn't step closer than five feet from any swimming pool, so this is true progress.
This trip came at the perfect time in our lives. We actually haven't had many family vacations for only the four of us... we generally travel with family or friends! This trip was work-related for Brian, so the first few days we WERE with his associates, whose families are dear friends, enjoying a serene pool, fabulous meals, and beautiful views. The following days were juuuust us, the pool, the beach, and a world of no schedules.
I found I love paddle-boarding. It was the most serene time. I took Sophie out a couple times, but she noted my far-from-graceful disembarking onto the beach and was a bit nervous. It was amazing to be out on the water, away from the noise, in the most gorgeous setting, getting a little me-time. Brian is a gem for sending me out there twice. If I lived the island life, a paddle-board would be my first investment.
When we travel, I'm always a little extra cautious. I slather my little girls with sunscreen, I do my best to keep them hydrated, nutritious {tricky when the cheap kids meals are burgers or chicken fingers & fries!! We often opt for the girls splitting a grown-up meal rather than ordering two children's meals. Adult meals have ironically more nutritious options.}, and I try to keep them from pinkeye, rashes, colds, etc.
That said, for any and every family, there are about a million variables. Perhaps unknown allergies. Perhaps a stray piece of coral on the beach. Perhaps a meal that didn't sit well. I'm a bit of a worrier by nature {though thankfully it's far more under control than it once was}, so I was incredibly pleased to have heard about LiveHealth Online before traveling. "There's an app for that," they say. In this case, there's an app for a little peace of mind. What is this app, you ask? Let me tell you:
LiveHealth Online is a 24-hour-per-day doctor... talk via two-way video chat from a tablet, phone, or computer. You can sign up online or download the app, log in, and for $49 {way cheaper than urgent care, yes?} Also- LiveHealth Online is a covered benefit for many Anthem Blue Cross PPO, EPO and HSA plans. The cost is the same or less than a PCP office visit}, you talk to a doctor about pain, or you SHOW them your rash, you look at them and they at you and you discuss your concerns with a U.S. Based Doctor. This is available in 44 states right now, with 38 of those states allowing physicians to prescribe medication for acute illnesses if they feel it's beneficial to their patients. Average wait time is 3 minutes! It's secure, it's private, it's efficient.
We can't bring our doctors on vacation with us, but sometimes we just have to consult with a professional. On our honeymoon, Brian got the worst sunburn of his life. He was hardly red, but somehow his body was prickling and the only semi-relief was a cold shower. I had no access to LiveHealth Online- this was nine years ago! I made several long distance calls to family for consultations, and racked up hundreds of dollars in long distance calls to do so {just typing that sentence makes me feel ancient! Someday in my future I'll hear, "mom what are these 'long distance call charges' I've never heard of that"}...
How do you get this service at your fingertips? Download LiveHealth Online or visit their website www.livehealthonline.com/moms and sign up quickly and easily! Peace of mind- a visit with the doctor- in minutes!! We believe you'll love this app so much that we're offering to let you try LiveHealth Online for free using the code LHOStyleSmaller until December 31, 2014.
This post is sponsored by Live Health Online. All opinions are my own.