I used to sketch a lot. On paper, not so much, but on the Paper app on Brian's iPad-- all.the.time. It's never very good, but it always felt like it reflected the moments of life. It was VERY therapeutic to sit on the couch when the kiddos went to bed and sketch anything and everything with my finger on the app.
One day, we updated the app or software or something, and WHOOSH. I opened the app and the sketches were all gone. This was like three years ago, so the iclouds were far less advanced... there was no fixing it, and I was just so bummed. I wasn't planning to put them anywhere, or share them with anyone other than my own family per say, but they meant something to me. They were a different version of snapshots from life, and for some reason I couldn't just start from scratch and sketch anymore. It was like a tiny era of two or three months of life and that's kind of as far as it went.
ANYWAY, long story to say -- I found one of my sketches today, and it gave me a trip down memory lane to when my girls were tiny and loved outfits like these and wore pigtails in her adorable hair almost every day:
picture taken by Pictilio
There you have it. Art reflecting life, yes?
So-- then Maggie turned from this tiny blondie with the lime green jumper into an almost-kindergartener.
(who beat me at Memory fair and square multiple times last week... rainy weeks = absolute cabin fever and plenty of Sequence, Strawberry Shortcake ,and Memory. We're extra thankful for the sun this week).