DIY: Airhead Valentine Craftiness / by Katie Brightbill

Heyyy, let's make a few cute Valentines out of Airheads! (and pssss, hopefully I'll win a ticket to Alt NYC).

Mini tutorial starts now...

You're kind of getting two DIY's for the price of one here... I'm going to start with the napkin ring tutorial. It's the first step in crafting the lollipop above:

1. Remove Airheads from packages and let sit until they become soft and just a bit more pliable.

2. Use a sharp knife to cut strips of each color.

3. Take six strips, three of each color and stick them together at the top, and two contrasting colors beside each other.

4. Braid the strips in a standard three string braid.

5. Attach ends and circle around a pretty napkin! Voila.

NOW, say you don't prefer the napkin ring because most people don't use them that often. Here's how you make a lollipop for your kids' friends at school:

1. Take that braid and begin looping it around itself (pardon the fact that these photos show a slightly messier braid. It's way prettier with the braid above.

2. Take a lollipop stick and stick it on the back of your pop.

3. It stays balanced if you cover the back of the stick with additional airhead "material."

4. Your kids will thank you and give you extra kisses.

There you have it! A Valentine lollipop. Who knew Airheads were such a sweet material to be crafty & creative? Go buy yourself a whole bunch. You're right if you're guessing that I ate my fair share through this process.

