I'm Domestic

Funny Little Bracelets by Katie Brightbill

Kids should look like kids. They don't take themselves too seriously. They wear every color, they spill (a lot) and don't mind, and they love to collect sticks and rocks and leaves and bring them inside (along with little bugs!), and they are just so FUN.

We did a little craft that I think epitomizes the way little girls think. We mixed beads and puffs and bows and made some fun little bracelets. Sophie LOVES hers. It's perfectly imperfect.


By the way, anytime I'm about to get rid of old jewelry, I look at the beads and see if they may work for a possible future craft. It saves me from having to buy beads in the future (which can be pricey!) and they're easily stored in recycled jam jars! 

Basic How-To:

- Thread your stretchy cord through a large needle.
- Pull to even and tie a knot at the end.
- Start threading beads or puffs or bows on your cord
- When it's the size of your little ones' wrist, cut and double knot!

Simplest fun. 


Quick Tip: Permanent Marker by Katie Brightbill

I came across this picture today and realized I need to share this quick tip for you.

Here's the story: one day, when my darling Sophie was supposed to be sleeping, she was actually spending quality time being artistic in my bathroom. She wrote on EVERYTHING in there with permanent marker. Seriously? I looked around and - apart from being a little tiny bit proud that she could almost properly spell her name on our sink when she had just turned 3 - my heart was sinking. I was adding $$ for every appliance we would need to replace for our landlord and thinking we should probably stay her forever until we replace them all one by one. Seriously, by "she wrote on everything" I mean it: walls, the sink, the toilet, the rug... apparently she's detail oriented.

Here's the good news... that day, I figured out the secret trick: nail polish remover!!! Don't forget it. I guess it's the alcohol and chemical content in there... it wiped off everything as if it was a dry erase board. Obviously be sure your children are way out of range, and open some windows in there-- That stuff smells toxic! But guess what? We didn't have to replace a single appliance or even pay like $10 for a magic eraser which may or may not have done the trick.

If you have children who are not perfect, you'll thank me for this one day.


*Side note: beware of nail polish remover being mixed with wood. It took the finish right off our coffee table when I spilled a little one day. You win some, you lose some. :)

DIY: Stylish Storage by Katie Brightbill

Like many other mothers out there, I'm surrounded by toys, books and stuffed animals. Sometimes I just want a stylish storage catch-all, but I don't want the big price tag that accompanies it! I came up with this super-easy DIY storage idea, using supplies I already had in my house. Here's the how-to for you:

Coffee Sack Storage


- Coffee bean sack (I got mine at my neighborhood cafe)

- Hot glue gun & glue

- Rope or cord

- Cardboard box or basket

1. Turn the coffee sack into itself so it's half of its original size. Place a cardboard box inside to create structure.

2. Flip the sack on its side. Create the rectangular bottom by folding corners over and applying hot glue so it stays put.

3. Hold in place until the glue is dry. Repeat on the other side.

4. Set your sack right-side-up and cut two small slits on one side (to become a handle). The slits should be large enough to insert the rope, but small enough for a knot to hold it in place.

5. Tie a knot on one end of your rope, and feed the other end of the rope through one of the slits and back through the other.

6. Tie a knot on the other end and you have your handle! Repeat steps 4- 6 on the other side of the bag.

Aaannnd voila! A stylish little (free to me!) toy basket!

Didn't I tell you it would be simple?



Banana Smoothie Recipe by Katie Brightbill

I am a huge fan of smoothies. They're delicious and so simple to make! I recently came up with a recipe that is super-quick and tasty, so I want to share it with you! 


- 2 Bananas, frozen & sliced

- A handful of chocolate chips

- 2 cups vanilla yogurt

- 1 Tablespoon ground coffee (optional) 

Slice a banana and place the cut slices on a parchment-lined tray. Freeze for at least three hours. It's a great way to use bananas that are a little too soft to eat straight, and it's nice to have the frozen banans on hand when I want to whip up a quick treat. 


Add yogurt to the blender...

...Chocolate Chips...

... Banana slices...

...Now blend!

Be sure the mixture is smooth, and pour half into a cup for the little one...

... and for a pick-me-up, add a tablespoon of ground coffee & blend again!

...Serve with a straw...

And sip with your little ones!




Make Lemonade by Katie Brightbill

How hard is it to get back to real life after a holiday weekend?? My weekend was SO ideal in L.A. with my little family and friends, so I'm definitely needing a pick-me-up today. The saying goes "when life gives you lemons, make lemonade..." While I wouldn't call today a "lemon," per say, getting back in the groove may be a bit simpler with a little fresh, homemade lemonade!

I never knew how simple it would be to make. My in-laws gave me a citrus juicer last year and it makes things a little easier, but really, it's almost just as quick with a hand-held squeezer. If you don't have either of those, just buy a few extra lemons and use some extra strength. VERY simple, I tell you. Get as much juice from each lemon as you can into a pitcher - you don't need much - add water, add sugar (you DO need plenty of sugar), then taste. Add or subtract as necessary! Perhaps you've noticed by now that I do nothing scientifically according to any recipe... I just make and hope for the best. :)

There's absolutely no need to buy pre-made lemonade when you can squeeze your own!

Before and After: Toms Shoes by Katie Brightbill

Hello, we have our first guest post today! My brilliant friend Natalie gave new life to her daughter's old, grungy Toms shoes, and I asked her to share the how-to with everyone here! Also, visit her blog at rockyriverfarmhouse.blogspot.com 

I've learned not to get my expectations too high when picking outfits and fixing hair for my strong-willed firstborn daughter. Somehow, what I envision for Greta doesn't translate to reality. My recent enlightenment is that I ask her opinion before we buy and we pick outfits right then and there together so that we can avoid future morning disagreements. Enter Toms shoes. The most expensive shoes this little girl owned and she wouldn't wear them. They were faded, scuffed, and "yucky." One afternoon, I took out my fabric paint in all their glory and let her pick whatever she wanted.We agreed on light blue and got started painting them together. The next day I suggested we snazz them up with a heart and her eyes got wide and she said, "I would love that."I used more of a fine tipped paintbrush to freehand the heart and filled it in with a bigger one. If you are hesitant, just start with a small heart and even out the edges little by little until they match the way you like them.

Greta loves her new favorite "kindergarten shoes" (and I love that they're no longer her "yucky" shoes). Give it a try! Nothing to lose.

Before & After

*A word about the Rocky River Farmhouse blog: I have a lot of projects that I'm proud of, but my most recent accomplishment is my 3rd child-- and the reason I haven't blogged since July of last year. So feel free to dust off the cobwebs and take a look around! Hopefully I can soon get back to writing all the things that have been happening this past year! *Natalie