Printable: Kids' Chore Chart / by Katie Brightbill

My Sophie is four now, and it's taken me this long to realize that a chore chart would be a mighty fine method of teaching helpfulness around here! She's very good about asking to be excused, and immediately taking her plate to the kitchen sink, but she definitely needs some help in other areas... it's pretty common for her to leave rooms looking like tornados rolled right through. I was thinking to myself, "gosh, how am I going to really teach her to be responsible for her cleanliness?" and thought of the age-old chore chart concept, and made it my own.

I sketched the little chore reminders, then thought other people may like to have their own for their little kiddos, so I made the chart printable to anyone! Just see the link below the chart (be sure you don't just click directly on the chart- it would print way too small), click it to pull it up in full size, be sure your printer settings are standard, and print your little heart out. :) Enjoy!

1. Click this link: 


2. Be sure you have standard printing settings and send right to the printer!

3. Hang it in your home! I hung ours with pink striped washi tape from Target.



(thanks to my mom and sister for teaching me the steps to make it "printable")