Halloween! / by Kate Brightbill


Is Sophie a fan of her Halloween costume? 

Yes, yes she is. ;)

She requested today... firmly... that for Halloween she would like a Golden Gate Bridge costume. Brian and I suggested grapes. We have a purple hat and everything... all we'd need is to clothe her in purple or green, blow up balloons to tape all over, and voila! Grapes! We'll be doing the strawberry version for Maggie, so they could be fruit themed. 

Nope. Golden Gate Bridge. Or a cracker {she's realized how endless the possibilities for Halloween are, so crackers were the closest inanimate object}.  

Shortly after the conversation, the doorbell rang. Honest diapers at our service...

{side note to those wondering: we did start potty training, but two successes in three days made us realize we should hold off a few months and try again!}.

More important than the diapers themselves? The BOX. Okay, Sophie. Golden Gate Bridge it is. The box settled it. 

Happy Halloween Eve! Here's to hoping I can finish Maggie's strawberry costume the morning of!! Nothing like waiting 'til the last minute, right?