Photo via We Eat Together
We love our tree to be a mix of fun and plenty of color, so I'm planning to use leftover felt {from THIS diy} and make some of these pretty ornaments.
Books to inspire grateful hearts.
Which side of the brain do you use most? (I'm 59% right, 41% left)
Ohhh my gosh, Brian and I were LOVING these pictures.
Really into garland right now. Particularly this.
I don't know about the quality of this camera, but I love the look!
So cute and sparkly!
I've been working sprucing up my home a bit more lately, and I love these tips.
Scones are my favorite.
Those leaves!
This almost makes me want to go camping. Almost.
{But actually, maybe I'll just stay in my warm home by the fireplace instead... last time I went camping, a bear quite literally almost ran me over in my first 15 minutes in yosemite... true story, unfortunately, but I lived to tell, so maybe it's fortunate?}
Also, I won this at The Land of Nod party last night and wow, the quality is unreal. I want to get more!
HERE is the big question of the week: have you seen the new Delighted Magazine?? My sister did an amazing job! I'm partial to the kiddo style pages 38-50 {hello, Sophie & Maggie, and my perfect little niece Camille!}
Happy Weekend!