Image via fiveandspice
I found this article incredibly intriguing. It kind of makes me wish for a TV kitchen makeover... BUT we rent and I really, really love subway tile...
Lighthearted tips for happy marriages. I liked this. :)
This salad looks like perfection... this said by someone who doesn't even love salad as a general rule. I also LOVE the words to accompany the recipe. I totally relate.. and it's rare that a beautiful food blog is accompanied by beautiful words. ;)
This just makes me smile.
I made this bread pudding the other day and have been wanting more since. SIMPLEST recipe ever. (Also the best way to not waste leftover bread).
With all the babies being born around here (none mine!), I'm always looking out for great gifts, and I kind of love this right now.
These are seriously the cutest prints. I'd love the whole set for the girls' room.I've been craving a trip to NYC, and this picture didn't help things! Why do I love cities SO much? (ps. follow me on pinterest, if you want ;)
Lastly, I LOVE this. Such a good read.
Happy Friday to you!