Lately I've been thinking about what I do and why I do it, and just keeping check on what my motivations and goals are. Yesterday, I "took the day off," and refused to check my technologies whatsoever. I went to church. I took a nap. I enjoyed slower living and perhaps a dose of perspective as well. I spent a good bit being grouchy about the lack of chocolate chip cookies in my life, but otherwise it was a lovely day.
Sometimes life feels like a race against the clock to get things done. Children happy- emails answered- home cleaned- kids taken to lessons- food purchased, meals created, meals cleaned--
It's easy to get off track and get the stay-at-home-mom lifestyle a bit backward. The kids will create and I walk behind them with my broom... figuratively or literally.
It's a funny thing: I tend to get the most accomplished when I'm not doing life in a hurried way. Perhaps it means taking 30 minutes to fold laundry, but little hands are with me, matching socks and folding and refolding together. Perhaps it means everyone "doing work" together at the table: brows furrowed with concentration over their color crayons and workbooks, as I sit beside them, answering emails and paying bills. "Working" together. Perhaps it means starting dinner an hour early and allowing helpers to mix ingredients together themselves.
It's a better way to live. It's more conducive to striking conversations with my girl Sophie about favorites, about what she thinks of different food {her list of favorite foods is hilarious! broccoli, lollipops, cake, brussel sprouts, and ice cream!}, about where she likes to go the most, about what books she enjoys... It's also more conducive to learning about Maggie's interests {she wants to see every.single.thing I'm preparing in the kitchen, and she can spend 30 minutes coloring!}. These are things I don't learn when I'm trailing behind "just trying to keep up."
Cheers to today! I'm raising my {third} mug of coffee to slower living, and to a Monday enjoyed to the fullest!