That Was Fun: Marimekko Store / by Kate Brightbill


A couple weeks ago, Jeanne from Shop Sweet Things invited Sophie and me to a Marimekko event at Stanford Shopping Center in Palo Alto. I have been a fan of the brand forever, and we were free to make the drive that day, so we spent the day in the bright, colorful wonderland together. Balloons, face-painting, mini cupcakes and FUN... yes, please! 

Sophie and I walked the runway in Marimekko brights, and we had a little one-on-one time eating cupcakes, catching balloons, and perusing the new American Girl store across the way. 

We took home pretty new lunch boxes in exchange for modeling the pretty dresses. We'll be packing those boxes daily for my Sophie in the fall {Ohhhhh how can it be? Kindergarten is just around the corner!}.

I could have snagged SO many pieces they had to offer. Tons of cuteness in one small space. 

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Some photos by Shop Sweet Things // Others taken by me with my iPhone. ;)

Marimekko Palo Alto: Stanford Shopping Center #71 180 El Camino Real, Palo Alto, CA 94304