Breather / by Kate Brightbill

The breather from the internet was life-giving. You know how they say that people don't truly begin to vacation until they've been vacationing for about a week? Apparently our mind clocks have trouble turning off the responsibilities until they've been vacationing that long. Two weeks was a lovely bit of space away to swallow an excess of air and feel carefree. 

The last few days I've been feeling the pull back to writing, and I realized that that means I'm ready to come back to this space with a feeling of appreciation and enjoyment, rather than any sort of obligation. I've cleared my slate and tied most loose ends from my inbox as well, which is just altogether freeing. Inboxes when you first start blogging are like mailboxes for kids- it only brings fun things! After being in the game a bit, the inbox feels like a mailbox to an adult- full of deletables, responsibilities, and excess. Anyway, I had a chance to spring clean the inboxes in a sense, just before our official summer begins. Perhaps I will do this quarterly. 

I am also am embarking on a whole30. I read all the words about the cleansing of our systems from processed foods, from sugars, and from grains and dairy. I wholeheartedly want to be clean from processed foods, I half-heartedly want to cut sugar, and nearly none of me wants to rid the grains and dairy {aka my food lifelines}, but I'm giving it a go. Don't judge harshly if I do not make it, because- well- from what I've heard, it's incredibly difficult. Thirty days is a long time, full of baby showers, dinner plans with friends, and festivities during which I'll have to steer myself intentionally away from most delicacies. The picture above is from my first day of whole30, which included a stop at a street fair with every possible temptation in a one block radius. Chalk up a W for me on day one. One day at a time, friends.

We had a legit vacation while I was away also {old news to those who follow on instagram}. Disneyworld is a truly magical place when your children are 2 and 5 and gazing around with bright-eyed wonder. Before we left for our trip, we made a quick stop to a mall that had rides in its hallways, and Maggie said "are we in Disneyworld mommy?" The real deal obviously blew their socks off. {I mean, who wears socks in Florida, but you know what I'm trying to say}. They've caught the Frozen fever a bit more than I care to admit, but hey... I went through some crazy-train childhood days where I would shut the door to my room and sing and act out Ariel's soundtrack in front of a mirror at the top of my vocal lungs and imagine voice-over careers looming in my future. A little "let it go" fresh off an airplane from Anna and Elsa country never hurt anyone. All this said, it was a brilliantly warm and blissful time with family and now we're home and gloriously refreshed.

There you have it. I'm back and more longwinded than ever! Can't wait to type my little heart out again. xx