HELLO JULY / by Kate Brightbill


Yes!! JULY!

Goodbye to June gloom, medical issues, and high risks! Hello to sunshine, third trimester, and being (mostly) out of the woods on the pregnancy risks! I have a choice in returning to this internet space // I can attempt to recount the good the bad and the ugly of the past few absent months on the blog, or I can just start with today, and the todays to come, and count on Instagram to show the bits and pieces in square photos that I've missed on the wordy front here... I'm opting for the latter.

Today the sun shined. I woke when Brian woke, which was a full hour before our kiddos. I have been in full-time nesting mode, which meant that we had a late night of home projects with my parents helping... My dad is a contractor, and he offered his amazing services to clean up some old, dingy corners of my home. My mom is an expert room painter, and Baby's tiny nook needed a good second coat of color. It got late, and we served dessert, and decided in advance that today we may need to just pay consequences of late night fun. 

And so the girls slept in today. Because they can. Because it's July! SUMMER!

Summer is amazing. This is our first summer break from a school year. We've transitioned from daily regimented scheduling, heading from here to there and everywhere... to now having leisurely mornings to stay in pj's, to make healthy, warm breakfasts, sip coffee from an open mug rather than a to-go, and enjoy the laughter of two little girls creating and mess-making, and exploring through their days.

This year has not been a piece of cake served with a silver spoon... (it has actually felt more like a jolting, rickety roller coaster that keeps us on our knees) BUT when I see these lovely girls with their minds whirling and swirling with beautiful innocence and joy, I breathe in and remind myself that these days are a gift of pure gold. Summer, ah summer. The break from all routine. 

Summer for us is a time for exploration and lessons for a big six-year-old to hold her own ticket for her bus and BART rides, for her to spread her own peanut butter on her sandwich, for her to begin earning quarters and understanding what it means to save-give-and spend them. July is a time for practicing jump rope skills so she can jump around the school yard as well as her favorite friend at school come September. It's a time for conversations to be had- the why's that are asked during the busy days can be explained at length in the summer. The girls can pick the longer books at story time, and we'll have plenty of minutes to finish them. We can all cover the kitchen in flour and sugar and oil while making tasty masterpieces, and then together take the dustpans and (natural) cleaning sprays and rags and scrub it all together. 

Hello, July. Hello summer. I love you already. 


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