Oooh, I made a... / by Kate Brightbill


SO, last weekend I attended a shower for two of my favorite people in the world. I had already gotten gifts for them, but I still wanted to do something for them that was sweet, because I love them so much. I got it in my head that I'd make a diaper cake.

Now this isn't something I'm very experienced doing, especially for baby BOYS, so it was a ton of trial and error.

First off, the Honest diapers get you off to a good start- they're crazy adorable even without all the bells and whistles. I went with the dinosaurs here, because- again- it was for a baby boy (tempting though it was to use pink strawberries). I tried wrapping them with this ribbon, then that one, then crepe paper, then landed on a mix: one stripey ribbon and one yellow crepe paper. Still it lacked brightness, and if you know me, you know I like things to be bright. 

The gamechanger? Puppets! Everyone loves finger puppets, and Ikea has the most adorable options for a nice little price. Add one full sized puppet on the bottom tier and voila! Instant brightness, and cheer. 

Make your own! It's simple! If I didn't change my mind on ribbons and such so much, it would have taken me 30 minutes, start to finish. And every new parent needs plenty of diapers!! 

Have fun!


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