Birthday Girl! / by Katie Brightbill

We'll be doing an afternoon post today! Celebrating little Maggie's first birthday fiesta full of polka dots, mischief, sugar, skinned knees, and tissue paper has taken a bit of our energy level and given us a case of the Mondays.. slow moving today. See you soon!

Psss! Quick tip for polka dots with icing: when you put the icing dots on, they'll look more like thorns than polka dots. Once the icing starts to harden, use freshly scrubbed hands (or a tiny kitchen tool that I don't own) to poke each dot and make them flatter. I was about to give up and let the dots look like thorns when my husband poked one for a taste and unknowingly saved the day... my morale at least, and I got the look I was aiming to get.