Busy / by Katie Brightbill

Little kids are very busy.

There's a lot of thinking to do, a lot of imagination to use, a lot of pretend baking, dancing, shows, running... And I thought that I had a lot on my plate! They're like little adults.

Maggie has the vast responsibility of emptying every box, basket, container, and cabinet in the house, then getting inside every one that could possibly fit her little feet, and then refilling each container with the things that were in the other. Then repeat. It's a LOT of work.

Sophie generally spends her days putting her babies to bed, having one or the other cry, reading books to them, and doing shows with them, and changing her own clothes about five times per day. When we're outside she needs to run everywhere, or hop like a bunny, and climb on every stoop she sees.

Makes what I do seem pretty relaxing.